Friday, May 25, 2012

Jamaica Part 1

Every year my husband and I try to hit a Caribbean Island for our Anniversary.  This year the kids pulled Jamaica out of the hat.  No seriously, they actually pulled it out of the hat.  You see we have a hard time 'deciding' so I decided to let the KIDS decide for us.  It works just fine!  Put all the countries into my son's Red Sox ball cap and let the draw begin!  This 4-5 part blog will have information to get you pumped to maybe make this trip!  It was AWESOME!  However, there are tips that can make it better!

So we went to Montego Bay.  We left on a Sunday, and the skies looked fantastic for flying.  I was a little concerned because the 1st Tropical Storm was named and it was directly in our flight path...Alberto.

This was at flight level 37000..Alberto was spiking to at least 40000.  Amazingly not one bump was felt.  Or as I like to call them 'Pot Holes'.  Our Captain and FO did a great job going around this monster! 

So then settling back into watching Food Network on the FREE Satellite TV on the company plane!  I say company because my husband works for the company we were flying on.  Yup, perks are cool!

So one more hour in the books and I look down and notice this...

The map on the TV was showing us going around the bottom of the Florida Peninsula.  I didn't have any other indication of position..but thought this was pretty neat.  If anyone in the airline world has seen this and knows what and where it is let me know..I'm truly curious!

Okay, so 45 minutes later you hear the engines power down slightly and you feel the 'dip'.  Oh we must be starting the decent!  I grab the camera waiting for my first view of the beautiful island of Jamaica!  I look at the window and see we are getting ready to 'punch the clouds', and get ready for a bump.  Bump was hit and then all I see is white mist.  About 3 minutes later we come out and this is what I saw..
  "WOW! That looks like Vermont!"  My husband was quick to agree!

So we land at the Airport in MBJ only to be held for a couple of minutes due to another airline getting ready to push out of our gate.  So I took a picture of the Airport.  Didn't look like much from the outside.  But wait for the 'return portion' of the will be amazed!

So we pull into the gate, engines power down, seat belt sign goes off and you would think it was every man, woman, and child for themselves!  WOW!  People, we're all going to get drinks don't worry Mon!  We walk downstairs to the Immigration area of the airport.  Please note that you will be given a form to fill out on the plane PRIOR to landing.  When you are done filling it out, put it in your passport! That way it doesn't come up missing!  It needs to be ready to go or you will get scolded!  So you get 'checked in' and you are now off to Customs.  This was easy.  They just check your passport and that FORM.  Then they say 'Welcome to Jamaica!' and you are off!  Now you are in the baggage claim area.  My husband and I never check a bag.  We have carry-ons.  It's an island.  You don't need much.  We go get a taxi.  Another note.. Taxis run 30.00 American anyway you go in Montego Bay.  It's always 30.00.  No mater what.  So we get into the taxi and our driver 'Junior' takes us to our hotel. 

Jamaica Part 2 will be the hotel!  Stay tuned!

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